Today I learned about gradient descent and how you can minimize cost function for liner regression problems with gradient descent. In yesterdays TIL I wrote about linear regression and cost functions (also known as MSE) for measuring the accuracy of a hypothesis in linear regression problems. So what is a gradient descent? With gradient desce... Read more 01 May 2018 - 1 minute read
Today I learned about cost functions, which are also known as mean square error (MSE), for linear regression problems. I just started the Machine Learning Course on Coursera by Andrew Ng to get a better understanding of how Machine Learning works and extends my knowledge in the field. To recap: Linear regression is a way to model a relationshi... Read more 30 Apr 2018 - 1 minute read
With this blog post I introduce a new post category on my blog: Today I Learned or short TIL. In a recent post I wrote about that I have less time for writing this blog currently and therefore I do not want to concentrate on writing long blog posts like in the past. Therefore I will try out TIL and post new things that I have learned about in a... Read more 29 Apr 2018 - 1 minute read
Mongoose is a node module and works as an API for MongoDB, which is a NoSQL database. With the power of mongoose you can easily write schemas for your MongoDB database and perform CRUD operations on it. To use mongoose, Node.JS and MongoDB is required. You can get NodeJS here and MongoDB over here. After creating a new npm project with npm ini... Read more 04 Mar 2018 - 3 minute read
Cross-origin ressource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism used in HTTP to prevent browser and webclients requesting from another domains. Some requests may work, others may not. The purpose of CORS is to determine if it is safe to communicate in regards of server and client. A couple of days ago I build a web client with Angular and used a REST API... Read more 28 Feb 2018 - 1 minute read